Hello again!  It is Xavier Zuniga the overly friendly and generous Warehouse Manager here at Poppers4U.  I’ve reached back a bit into some of my earliest product tests conducted, as always, in the product testing center here at Poppers4U.  Believe me when I say that we have lots of ingenious ways to make messes that need cleaning up in the testing center and we never lack for volunteer talent to help us out with out tasks.  Who knew cleaning could be so much fun and such a popular activity!

Today I want to take a look at a newer brand, Mutiny, as well as a time tested favorite, Jungle Juice MAX.

Mutiny will certainly cause you to dessert your other plans and ideas as you focus on pleasure with an immediate rush of an intoxicating mix of relaxation and passion.  I’ve achieved heights I’ve never visited before from the first time I used Mutiny and now I use it every time the occasion calls for it which in my case is often.  Mutiny has NEVER let me down.

Mutiny Poppers online 30ml large

Of course I am referring to the effects of accidentally inhaling some fumes while cleaning particularly tough stains with Mutiny.  You should never intentionally concentrate or inhale a product like Mutiny, but sometimes accidental exposure does occur.

Mutiny is fast acting and the ride isn’t subtle but it also isn’t harsh smelling.  I have also found that the effects of a good cleaning with Mutiny tend to last longer than with other brands of cleaner.  And speaking of lasting longer, Mutiny stays effective even after a long storage cycle, even outside the refrigerator, although refrigeration is always recommended for storage of cleaners like Mutiny.

Only choose Jungle Juice MAX if you are looking for MAXimum effect and results!  Jungle Juice MAX will hit you like a freight train running at MAXimum speed so be prepared.

Jungle Juice Max Large 30ml
Jungle Juice Max

If at all possible only use Jungle Juice MAX if you can sit, or better yet, lie down at the same time.  Trust me, you won’t find it easy to walk after using Jungle Juice MAX.  Jungle Juice MAX isn’t the choice for the faint of heart and I would only recommend Jungle Juice MAX to the experienced user and for those who really want all their tight spaces opened up.  If you think you can handle the MAX, then Jungle Juice MAX is for you.  I personally wouldn’t use anything else!